Wow, is it really the end of the year?? It is hard to believe that this year really flew by so fast. Between moving, Gabby starting school, and all the other excitement of the year it seems like I was just gearing up for summer yesterday!
Well here is my final roundup of finds, picks, and crafts for 2009. If you visit here often you will notice that I just changed my blog roll to separate all the blogs I follow into categories. Thanks to the Homies over at Apartment Therapy I have added so many new blogs that I have to categorize them to keep them all straight. Please take a look around and let me know what you think- there is a lot of goodness on those blogs!!
I just discovered this new blog and saw this awesome
Super Hero Craft that I really think Gabby could get into. I even had fun designing my own super hero!! (@
As you all know I love reading with my children... this list of
Winter themed books is perfect for introducing some seasonal books to your little ones. (@
financial goals for the upcoming year is something that my husband and I are going to do this year as we are trying to get back on solid ground and be completely debt free. These tips are really helpful! (@
Simple Mom)
I am now obsessed with getting some
Kindereggs for my kids for Easter... obsessed! Anyone who knows where I can get some would forever be my love! (@
Givers Log)
Instead of all my cardboard boxes sitting in the recycle bin waiting for garbage day I would love to be able to turn them into a fun village for the kids to decorate using
this tutorial! (@
Bella Dia)

Even though I am not a wall paper fan per se, I am totally digging this awesome
Frames Wallpaper for the playroom or even the bathroom! (@
Land of Nod)
Embroidery is something that I am loving this past year, This wonderful
Etsy store is the epitome what I want to be able to do someday! (@
Here is a sleeper for babies that is really a smart idea. You can travel easily with it, place it over any door or simply have it next to your bed for those tight apartments that can't accommodate traditional co-sleepers or bassinets. Although it looks pricey when you see the price in Swedish Crowns, it is only $250!! (@
Well friends, that is about it for now! Happy New Year and Happy Crafting!!!