Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Top 10 Reasons Why Today is a Perfect Day

Today I feel like my old self. I feel happy, energetic, peaceful, inspired, patient, and creative. I haven't felt like this in a few months and it is a relief to know that I am still in here somewhere, beneath the finicky stomach and the headaches. I feel accomplished, heck I felt accomplish by 10am this morning and it is just getting better and better! Here are my Top 10 Reasons Why Today is a Perfect Day:

10. It is about 72 degrees out with sunny skies and a beautiful breeze.

9. I feel like my well of patience has returned, especially with my youngest little troublemaker!

8. My creativity has come back to me along with the desire to make things again.

7. I am not stressed about ANYTHING and feel so calm.

6. I woke up easily after a good night's sleep... something that is getting harder and harder to do. 

5. All the girls are so well behaved that we took an extra trip to the park after the Nature Center Trip!

6. I found the perfect party favor box here for the girl's joint birthday party!

5. Thanks to this photo I am inspired to start a project which CAN'T be completed in a day.

4. My DIY Glitter Toes are holding up despite showers, sand, and sneakers. 
Did I mention how much I love them? lol!

3. I am really close to putting my own icon next to my blog URL and that makes me smile!

2. I actually woke up hungry this morning... that hasn't happened in weeks.

1. Tomorrow we get to find out if this baby is a boy or girl, and that makes me REALLY happy!

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