Thursday, December 4, 2008

Flashback (& Forward!)

I definitely stole this from Bethany at Cartwheel Soup, thanks Bethany!!

20 years ago I... (1988)
1. was living on Grand Island, NY and going to a special school for gifted and talented kids, I was even a nerd at age 7!
2. Went to the Gloria Estefan concert in Buffalo, and got a perm!
3. Had only 2 sisters, no brothers yet
4. Listened to Rock & Roll, was taking ballet, watched Smurfs and She-Ra
5. Lived with my grandparents a lot since my mom had a tendancy to cut out on us a lot.

10 years ago I... (1998)
1. was a junior at Sweet Home High School and a cheerleader
2. sang in every choir imaginable, performed a ton, and was most likely dating someone from the tenor section!
3. was in foster care, living with my aunt and was probably more messed up from that than anything else from my childhood.

5 years ago I... (2003)
1. graduated from Baldwin-Wallace after 4 great years of Zeta Tau Alpha, dancing all day, and hanging out with my guys of Pi Lambda Phi!
2. Eloped to Niagara Falls with my fellow Greek sweetie!! (Our 5 yr anniversary is on Sat!)
3. Got pregnant on our honeymoon with Miss Gabby!

1 year ago I...(2007)
1. Had my second girl, Miss Amelia
2. was working in the insurance industry, stuck in a cube working 9-5, ugh!
3. was driving a red minivan, double yikes!

This year I... (2008)
1. quit my job and get to stay at home with my girls!
2. began dancing again professionally and now live at the dance studio when I am not home
3. started doing graphic design and have a thriving business on Etsy that I tend to at night and when the kids are napping.

Last month I.... (November)
1. Began making girl's barrettes for a craft show and realized that I love crafting in general. =)
2. Had a great Thanksgiving with the in-laws and my sorority sis Carena.
3. realized that no matter what, I can't make my family in NY care and put a stop to the cycle started so long ago.

Yesterday I...(Dec. 3rd)
1. babysat my two little terrors along with my two girls.
2. took the kids to see Santa at the mall
3. had sloppy joes and tatertots for dinner-yum!

Today I...(Dec. 4th)
1. Will babysit again
2. am taking the kids to the library for some reading fun
3. have musical theatre class from 5-6
4. will take a nice bubblebath

Tomorrow I will... (Dec. 5th)
1. not have anyone else's kids but my own!
2. go shopping for my anniversary clothes
3. take Spooky to the dog park, sleep in a little, and maybe eat out with the kids!

In the next year I will... (2009)
1. still be dancing, crafting, and not working in a cube!
2. be married to a Lakewood cop (Klint takes the test on Monday!!!)
3. still be as happy and in love as I have been this year!


Bethany said...

this is such a fun one. . . good thing i stole it from someone else :) maybe someone will steal it from you and then we'll keep the chain up!

Anonymous said...

Hey there. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope you come back again!

This is a fun way to get to know a little something about you pretty quick. Sounds like you have a great life--two girls and married to your college sweetie! Also read where you were in foster care. My high school boyfriend's mom always had foster kids. She had two that were with her for years and are like her own kids. I am still in contact with one of them through Facebook. It really changed her life in a positive way. Doesn't sound like you had a good experience with it. Not much I can say about that but sucks. I'm sure your children will have a wonderful childhood though bc it sounds like you are a great mom!!

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