Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year!!!!!

Sunday, December 28, 2008
It's a Craft Explosion!

The legwarmers are easy enough that since I don't yet have a sewing machine I just sewed them by hand and they still look super cute. The tutorial that I found on Flickr does a great job of explaining the process and helped me with the initial directions. Just go buy yourself some cute knee high socks at Target and in about 20 mins (by hand) you should have a great pair of legwarmers for your little one! The tutorial is here.
And next we have a very cute, banish those bad hair days away, craft- Covered button hair bands and bobby pins! First go get the kit from Jo-Ann's- super cheap. Then gather some of your scrap fabric. Follow the directions on the back of the kit and voila! Then either tie a rubber band onto the finished button or add a blank bobby pin. Here is the tutorial for these and other cute ideas for what to do with covered buttons.
Where do I get all my supplies to make all these fun things you ask? Etsy sellers for the most part (unless I am feeling impatient, then I go to Jo-Ann's). Here is a list of some of my suppliers:
Wunderkind - kokeshi dolls to paint
Uberstitch - fabric galore, I love their fat quarter sets
Beads2u - my alligator clips for making cute hair clippies
Tobysmom - covered button blanks and kits- VERY cheap prices!!
ReductionNation - blank bobby pins, perfect for covered buttons!
SunandMoonCraftKits - everything you need to make scrabble tile pendants, glass magnets, bottle cap crafts, and tons more. Browse but beware that there is a good chance you will leave with your wallet a little lighter!
I am sure that there are more, but these sellers have been the best! Try them out and make some fun things for your and your little ones!

Saturday, December 27, 2008
Things to do when it is 67 degrees in the middle of winter...in Cleveland, OH
1. Find a pair of shorts, capris, a bikini- whatever! As long as it isn't winter weather attire.
2. Wash the car off for the first time in 2 months
3. Take the dog for a walk that is longer than 5 minutes... in shorts!
4. Drive with the heat off and the sunroof open
5. Watch the weather channel to see when the snow will be back!

Friday, December 26, 2008
Kokeshi Mania

Monday, December 22, 2008
Giving Back to the Cats

Sunday, December 21, 2008
Craft of the day: Pin Cushion Bracelet
Snapple bottle Cap or cap of similar size
3x3 square of fabric
glue gun
needle and thread
elastic cut to fit around your wrist comfortably but snug enough to not slide.
How To:
1. Using a running stitch gather the fabric into a ball leaving enough room to stuff the ball with poly-fil.
2. Close the ball tight and roll it to shape it.
3. Using a glue gun attach ribbon to the outside rim of the bottle cap.
4. Attach a button to the place where the ribbon overlaps.
5. Use a generous amount of hot glue in the inside of the bottle cap, making sure to also get the inside rim.
6. Press your fabric ball firmly in the bottle cap, hold for a few seconds
7. Using the glue gun attach the elastic to the top of the bottle cap, creating a bracelet.
Voila! An instant pin cushion that even protects your wrist from pokes with the bottle cap, and you are doing a bit of good for the environment by recycling!!
You can even make a pin cushion ring using a smaller bottle cap like this found on Etsy and the source of my inspiration!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Sunnynole's Nest

Friday, December 19, 2008
New Light Box and New Products
I am also excited that my great friend Hana is going to join me on Etsy and add her beautiful fleece blankets to my store, I can't wait to work with her on a lot of new projects. Hana and I go back farther than any other friend I have and she knows more about me than all. She is a really talented web developer who also coaches volleyball and visits whenever she can. Go check out her portfolio here!

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Save Handmade Toys

The Consumer Products Safety Improvement Act was created to prevent more situations like the mass lead recalls, but fails the public in so many other ways. There is no way that me or you can afford the thousands of dollars that it takes for all of our products to be third party tested and labled, let alone the small toy companies, the Etsy crafters, or the grandfathers who carve cars for craftshows. Thinking about the people impacted by this makes me sick as a crafters, an Etsian, and a mom who adores handmade toys.
Please please please click the picture above and take action. Maybe we can get Congress to recind this mindless act and reform it so that is does more good than harm.
Cleveland Handmade Last Minute Market
Come support your local artists and craftspeople while you enjoy wine, refreshments and a fun, friendly and relaxed atmosphere. There will be something (handmade!) for just about everyone on your list.

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Charity Project

Saturday, December 13, 2008
My First Craft Show
A couple of people suggested adding them to my Etsy store, but the thought of taking pics and listing all those clips makes me a bit dizzy, plus every pair is different. Sooooo..... what next? =)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Things I love
9. Curvy Hailey Dark Vintage Jean by Aeropostale- the only brand where the "short" is actually short enough for my 4'10" frame!
8. Music fragrance by Harajuku Lovers- a very citusy and fun scent
7. My Lucky Bamboo necklace by Dogeared.com, this necklace never comes off and my luck continues to grow!
6. Wondertime Magazine- I can't get enough of this magazine, full of crafts, good parent tips, and a very cool layout.
5. Woodwick Candle in Snowflake- a sweet and minty scent, plus a wonderful crackling sound that makes you think you are sitting by a fire!
4. The Notebook starring Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams- a classic love story, my favorite!
3. My iPod Touch- my life is on this thing.... loooooove it!
2. Any book by Nora Roberts. I re-read them all the time and they never let me down. I am currently revisiting the Three Sisters trilogy. Click here for her awesome website!
1. My laptop!!! A refurbished IBM Thinkpad that is my lifeline to the outside world, my enjoyment, extra income, and the one material thing that I would run into a burning house to get! =)
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Happy Anniversary!!!
Klint and I like to tell each other that our marriage is an adventure, always keeping us on our toes and never dull. (How life can be dull with two girls, 4 cats, and one nutty dog plus a slew of dysfunctional family members is beyond me!!) I like to tease him that in my day I kissed a lot of frogs, but I needed to in order to find my prince. No matter what, we are living happily ever after. =)
Here are some pics of our past and present: Enjoy!!!