Well we are moved in! We have been back and forth and still may have a car trip or two to get some stray boxes, but all in all...we are officially home! I can't wait to get decorating and planting, I already have strawberry plants in the ground and seeds waiting to go in!
Aside from moving there is another little bit of exciting news to share (no I am not pregnant you sickos! =P Since there may be some changes with the kids that I care for I was trying to come up with a replacement for the income that I would possibly be losing. I thought about what was important to me- staying at home with my girls, being my own boss, NO CUBES, something that is more people oriented, and it had to be a cause or purpose that is important to me. So I am going to try my hand at being a consultant for Usborne Books.

I love meeting new people, I am definitely not shy, love public speaking, and have a strong belief in the power of books and reading. We go to three different libraries each week, give books as gifts, and both my girls have extensive libraries of their own. (I even dream of new bookplates for all of our books!) So this is the perfect job for me. =)

Here are some cool things about this company and why I chose it for my endeavor:
1. There are no minimums to maintain. You do well, you are rewarded but if you are casual about it you are not punished in the least. Love that!
2. It is all about kids and their education. Books about pirates, books with cool crafts, books that make you look hard.... we already own a lot of Usborne books and adore them.
3. I get to go out and meet new people all the time. Every stay at mom needs that.
4. There is no heavy investment to make. There are a couple kits to choose from and none of them are over $100, so there is nothing to lose.

There are other perks as well, but those are my main reasons for going with this fantastic company. I can't wait to have my first book party and see where this new chapter takes me. Yay!
(So who wants to get some free books for their kids?! lol!)