Hi there!!! I read about this GREAT idea on another blog and decided to give it a go here at Creative Bubbles!! Tell everyone you know about it because the more that participate the better it will be for everyone! It is my first annual Favorite Things Swap!!!
Really simple... you choose three of your favorite things (feel free to send more if you can't resist!) to send to your partner. It can be new, used, vintage, handmade, anything goes. Just keep in mind that it should be something you would LOVE to get in the mail. =) It can be a favorite magazine, a Bento item, a book, an apron... be creative and have fun with it.
Want to participate?! Email your vitals to mrs.conniekrebs@hotmail.com. Sign ups will be open until July 19th. Once I receive your email I will send you a confirmation email. Therefore, if you don't hear back from me, send it again or leave me a comment here so I can email you about it. This is the info I need:
• your name.
• mailing address.
• email address.
• website / blog
• a little something about yourself.
• please indicate if you are willing to ship internationally
Your partners name and information will be emailed to you shortly after the sign-up deadline and the delivery date for this swap is Friday, August 7th... please have it postmarked by then.
Once you receive your package be sure to comment and post pics back here! I am excited to try this and hope everyone else it too!!!!

Ok quick question, if we want to make something and personalize it, will we know in advance who we're sending it to?
yep, you will know all about that person and she will know all about you!
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