Sorry all! I try to post every or every other day, but with all the rainy weather and chaos in the house it just didn't happen. Have to start scheduling posts again I guess!
So I have been thinking a lot about different schools of education. I am really dissatisfied with the current state that public education is in, especially in Ohio, and have been doing lots of reading about alternatives to the norm. I had no idea that there were so many other parents out there like me who feel that public schools are killing children's imaginations with the emphasis on academics, that kids are being pushed to learn too much too fast, and that teachers are so sorely being punished with the No Child Left Behind laws. (To get the jist of this law in laymen's terms- go
I hate how Kindergarteners are expected to come INTO school knowing so much, how society looks down on you if you choose not to send your child to preschool, and how play in school is going down the tubes along with sports and the arts.
I went to a Montessori school for K-1st grade, a magnet school for the gifted and talented (a performing arts school) for 5-9 grade, and public school in between. My education has been very unusual and I think that I benefited from that, especially by attending the arts school. And I want those same things for Gabby.
I noticed after re-reading a lot of my "lists" that I tend to gravitate toward Montessori and Waldorf blogs, and even borrow a lot of ideas from homeschooling blogs for activity ideas. I know that there is no way that I could homeschool, I am not organized enough to keep a strict schedule and I want socialization for Gabby, but it does have its appeal.
I feel that there are great things about both Montessori and Waldorf schools of thought and am going to try incorporating ideas from both in our house. One book that I am really interested in reading is
Heaven on Earth: A Handbook for Parents of Young Children
. And here are some other blogs that I read that are on board with alternative forms of education:
Sew LiberatedUncommon GraceMy Montessori JourneyWhat are your thoughts? Do you know about or practice any other form of traditional education in your home?