Since it seems that our holiday season is going to be busier than usual I am shopping around early! I think I am going to get all the kids a growth chart to share, I love this one!
Miss Gabby seems to have a problem losing her bento supplies and her silverware at school lunch time... I am thinking that maybe this pretty picnic rollup set will help remind her when something is missing!
I am not really a crib mobile type of girl, but I am loving the idea of a dream ring, similar to a dream catcher. I am smitten with this pretty cardinal one that is hand knit, especially since that is Grandma GG's favorite bird and will have a special meaning by Christmas.

Hopefully we will be back to beach season and gathering treasures that we find like shells and pretty stones. I love this easy peasy way of displaying rocks and photos with just some simple floral wire!
One of my "must-have" baby items is the Wubanub pacifier and I am thinking that my little winter baby is going to get this one...
Even though I love using non-disposable water bottles, one problem that I have with them is how much room they take up when empty. This awesome company solved that problem and I will be ordering us a set very soon. (Love the colors too!!!)
Finally, I am starting to gather ideas for the baby's room since my goal is to get it done by August before school starts. I think that we are going to go with a winter theme, polar bears, calming Northern Skies, etc. I love love love this print if this is another little girl!
Well that is all folks, hopefully it is warmer where you are than here! Send some of that sunshine my way please and have a great night!