Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Print & Give- Evening Magic Bookplates

With the weather getting cooler
it is becoming a lot easier to find a reason
to curl up with a good book.
I hope that this bookplate helps keep track of all those magical books in your library!

Download it here and print it out on Avery Labels 8164 or 5164

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The List 2.1

Are you all falling in love with fall as I am? I got out the heated blanket today, a very blustery chilly day here in NE Ohio. Mmmmm.... brewed some coffee with caramel apple creamer.... lovely! So here are some things that have caught my eye these past couple of days- Enjoy!!

So I have discovered a store on Etsy that actually sells Bento supplies! Yay!! Check it out here!

Here is another cute idea for a cupcake topper, of course found on Etsy! (@ The Small Object)

Gabby loooooves snakes! I bet she would love making her own silly snake using this great how-to! (@ Skip to My Lou)

I am having a love affair right now with letters, ABC flash cards, and typography (art using jsut words). This wall alphabet would be a labor of love for sure! (@ Spearmint Baby)

Being a dancer I adore any kind of ballet flat... these pretty pink ones are available in sizes for Gabby and me! (My name is Connie and I wear kids shoes!) (@ J.Crew)

Having a good smelling house is really important to me, especially since I have pets. This beautiful cinnamon box would be a lovely addition to my decor. (@ Montessori Services)

Finding crafts for all the members of my mini tribe (the two almost 2 yr olds that I watch and my 2 yr old) is challenging... they still put lots of things in their mouths and can't really follow directions too well. This adorable tree craft would be pretty easy though!! (@ The Ramblings of a Crazy Woman)

So that is all for now... I am sure there are more great findings on the way. Till then Ciao!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Here's My Sign!

Isn't this the perfect sign for my house... even if I didn't have kids?? =)
(I am incredibly short...almost was a Munchkin!)

This sign as well as many other adorable ones are found here!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Now You Are Two!!

Happy Birthday little girl!
You are now two!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Tulip Planting 101

I have a long standing love affair with cut flowers, especially Tulips and Gerber Daisies. I love the simple cheeriness of them, the varieties, and the beautiful colors. So this year I want to plant some of my own tulips. But I have no clue how to begin, when to do it, or how to make sure they survive and thrive. This guide from Or So She Says is perfect for anyone out there who wants to grow tulips but has no clue how to get going. She gives great links so you can know your hardiness zone, how deep to plant your bulbs, and how to take care of them in the spring. Love it!

I think I am going to plant some cotton candy pink ones, for breast cancer and my grandmother who passed away from it.... just like these!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Clever Marketing 101

There are many things that I love about living here in Lakewood OH. The artsy feel, the community garden spaces, the big city atmosphere in a small city, and all the independently owned shops and restaurants. One of my favourite is Melt Bar & Grilled, who just came up with the most genius promotion.

Let me start by telling you about Melt. It is a very cool place that serves sandwich varieties of the basic grilled cheese. It is famous here in NE Ohio and attracts people from all over the country. Their awesome creations have been featured on the Food Network, and there is going to be another feature in January 2010.

Now, this is the genius that is Melt.... whoever is their marketing director should be handed a raise. They just announced that if you get a tattoo of their basic logo, any size, anywhere, you get 25% off your entire order FOR LIFE!! Holy Cow!!
And here is the best part: get the tattoo at Voodoo Monkey Tattoo and you will get $25 off the tattoo!! Love it!

So know I am actually debating on whether I want to get a tattoo of a sandwich and crossbones... or if I can convince Klint to get one instead!
Absolute genius!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Lil Cupcake Doll

I love it when things turn out how they are supposed to!!
I made this cute lil doll for AJ's upcoming birthday... not too bad for a first go at it!
I glanced at the tutorial from my last post and then decided to just wing it...
typical Connie fashion!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The List 2.0

Wow, September is FLYING by! It is hard to believe that in one short week my youngest girl will be 2... she is so little but already so big! Since I have a crazy week ahead of me this is an extra long list and definitely geared towards Miss Amelia and her likes- dolls, crayons, fashion, and decorating! Believe me, this lil one has an opinion about everything!

First off I have to mention this awesome cake topper found all over the blogsphere!! I am thinking one for that special Quinceañeras (Sweet 15!) would be awesome for the girls! (@ Lollipop Workshop)

Wouldn't it be cute for AJ to write little lunchbox notes for Gabby? So much cooler than the mom doing it!! Here are some really neat ones! (@ Leo on the Loose)

AJ loves playing dress up and I think that this Halloween is going to be especially fun for her. Check out these really easy and fun crafts for this scary day. (@ Value Village)

Some days I think that there is nothing better than a good PB&J. Why settle for those store bought jams when you can make your own with this easy peasy recipe? (@ The Idea Room)

Maybe someday AJ won't feel the need to color on herself, the walls, and the cats... when she does I will surely get her these awesome markers that are perfect for little hands with big imaginations! (@ MUJI)

There are days when being the mommy of a budding two year old can be very VERY trying. This article series is a great reference for all of you out there who needs help being a little more of a Mindful Mother. (Just reading the first article made me feel more calm and in control!) (@ The Parenting Passageway)

I love decorating AJ's room! She is so girly and loves her dolls and animals... I know she would adore these animal nesting dolls!!! (@ Modern Dose)

Crayons are a very popular thing with AJ, but little hands break normal crayons pretty easily. Now I know what to do with these broken pieces!! Very cool DIY chunky crayon tutorial! (@ Make and Takes)

Finally, remember that awesomely cute cake topper up top?? Well here is a tutorial on how to make something similar yourself! If you can't wait 8-10 weeks for one to be made for you, go ahead and try to make one all on your own! (@ Going Sew Crazy)

Well that is all for now, I can't wait to try out some of these fun, easy, and calming ideas. Have a great weekend and week everyone!

Friday, September 18, 2009

We Have A Winner!!

Ok folks! After much debating with the kids and Klint we decided on a name for the new kitty! It was really tough to decide since he is such a character and all the suggestions were so cute, but the winner is Melissa who suggested Dobby since the kitty has HUGE kitten eyes. (Dobby is the house elf from Harry Potter- see below!)

And since I did specify an M name I picked a runner up- Congratulations Kate who suggested the name Moo (AJ's favorite pick!)

Both winners are going to receive a surprise package of fall-ish craft supplies! Thank you to all who suggested names, it was a lot of fun trying them out!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Contest: Name Our New Kitten

I think I was destined to either work for an animal rescue or be THAT crazy cat lady who lives on your street, lol. Through a weird turn of events I have acquired two little 7-8 week kittens. (If you are curious about the whole story email me and I will share!) Lucky for me my dear hubby was feeling nutty and decided that we could keep one, yay!!

Here is the 411 on the newest addition: Teeny little black and white boy, loves to cuddle and eat, very tolerant of kids and giant dog, smart but more laid back than his brother. We named the brother Mouse since he scurries around, cries a lot, and hangs out by the computer desk, so I am looking for an "M" name. This is Mouse- the bigger, tougher, faster of the brothers.

So here is the contest: Leave a comment here with your best boy kitty "M" name (and no human names- they geek me out!). If your name is chosen you will win some cool fall themed craft stuff!! I am looking for something cool, unusual but easy for little ones to say (We tried Goblin and the girls called him Gobble so we nixed that!) Get your kids to say the name if you are in doubt! Oh and my other guys' names are Tuck, Prince, and Bo so as you can see we don't have a theme going.

I will choose by the end of this week!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The List 1.9

How is everyone doing today? I am enjoying these last few nice days before Fall really hits here in Cleveland. People keep trying to tell me that it is too early for chilly weather... these are the same people that are in denial every winter when it snows in October! =)

Ok, so here are some cool things I have found on the web, things that inspire me and things that make me want to stay home and craft my little heart out when I should be doing errands.

I am all about lists (obviously) and this adorable notepad printable is sure to keep me on track now that I am *gasp* a PTA mom!! (@Skip To My Lou)

There is something about this color palette that is such a nice transition from summer to fall... I feel a new mommy card design coming on! (@The Inspired Bride)
blog it
With all the germs going around and people already freaking out about swine flu (*snicker*) this cute DIY project would be perfect for the "extra clean" person in your life! (@Giver's Log)

These adorable onsies almost make me want to try for twins....almost! (@Bluesky Rocket)

I don't have a closet for my clothes, which tells you a lot about my wardrobe! But if I did I would so make these quirky fabric covered hangers. (@Design Sponge)

As if you don't already get lots of Bento related info here, now there is a neat and informative book about how to cuten up your kid's lunches. (

I am really into decorating the girls rooms lately... if only I had a wee one that I could hang this rain cloud wall hanging for! (@Sonny)

That's all for now!

Friday, September 11, 2009

In Rememberance

I remember what I was doing eight years ago, on the morning of September 11th, when the first plane hit. I was walking through the dining hall at BW, on my way to get a bagel and juice before dance. There is a massive TV in there, usually turned to some sports show since that was where all the jocks sat. Today though it was turned to the news. I don't know what made me turn to look, I was running late that day, but something caught my eye. I turned around just in time to see the footage of the first plane hitting and the live footage of the second plane crashing into Tower 2. I just sat down, in shock.

Being a NYer, visiting NYC many many times, and having just been in the Twin Towers the previous month while on vacation the concept that NYC was under attack seemed impossible to me. The thought that parents of many of my campers from the summer had just died (many worked on Wall Street) was incomprehensible. I just sat there, tears running down my face.

Even now, eight years later, watching footage from that day makes my heart hurt and it feels just as bad as it did that day. I can remember the confusion about who was responsible, then the shock of learning about the place in PA and the Pentagon's own attack. Sitting with my sorority sisters, clinging to the TV to learn any news about any more attacks. Shock is the only way I can describe it. Later other emotions would slide in, but in those early moments I think the whole country was in disbelief.

I will always remember and always hold a special place for those victims in my heart, especially those who survived but lost loved ones. As a mother and a wife of a civil servant, I can't imagine the lingering grief they must feel. Please remember this day and do something good in the thought of all the lives changed that day.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What's New In My Bookstore?

This has been a really exciting time at Usborne Books! Convention really got a lot of people going and it is trickling down to those of us so new to the business that we didn't get a chance to go.

One of the coolest things about having my own business with Usborne is that it is what I make it, not what someone else says it has to be. No minimums to maintain, no stock to buy, just show people why these books are a valuable part of any home with children. And seeing as that is something I firmly believe it, it is easy as pie.

Every month there is a different starter kit and the one for September is really impressive to me. Here are the important details that I clipped straight from my store!
clipped from
September 2009 Usborne Starter Kit
$49.00 plus tax and FREE Shipping
Display Set:

Christmas Coloring Book (P)
Find the Duck (BD)
How Big is a Million (H)
I Can Draw Animals (P)
Illustrated Dictionary of Math (IR) (FL)
Little Book of Cats and Kittens (IL) (H)
Sticker Dolly Dressing Princesses (P)
Ted and Friends (C/V) (P)
That’s Not My Monkey (BD)
This is the Tree (P)
Supply Set:

Fall UBAM Catalog 10/pk
Fall KM Catalog 10/pk
Customer Order Form Pk/100
Customer Survey Pk/50
Consultant Guide w/binder
Hostess Guide Pk/5
Invitation Postcard Pk/100
Plastic Bags
Recruiting Brochure Pk/25
Success Made Easy DVD
UBAM Basic Training CD
6 month basic subscription to
OrderPro Online,
an electronic ordering system*
6 Month Consultant eCommerce Web Site**

blog it
This is an amazing deal!!! And no matter where you live you can get this, plus all the training you could want. Whether you are a SAHM who wants to add to the household income, a full timer who wants some fun money, or a retiree who loves getting out there and spreading the book love this is a great chance to do something great.

And here are some other titles that are newer to the Usborne family:

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Aren't these great looking books? Seriously, they sell themselves, it is just up to us to show them to people and help them pick out the best ones for their little ones!

So what can Usborne do for you today??

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