Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Here are 6 random things about me (These will confirm to you all that I am indeed a freak)
1. I do not like balloons, they are unatural and I cringe when kids have them because then they are sure to pop which scares the crap out of me! To torture me in college my sorority sisters would hide balloons in my bed and since I was on the top bunk I didn't know they were there till I climbed up on the bed.
2. I don't mind being under 5 foot until I need to reach something on the top shelf or something happens like when my sorority sisters store my towels when I was showering, fully knowing that I was too short to reach the curtain rod to remove the curtain down to cover myself. They only gave it back when I threatened to come out in my birthday suit!
3. If I had super powers I am pretty sure that I would be on the bad side! (Is this bad considering that my husband is a police officer?)
4. I hate eating chicken, the mere thought of it makes me what to heave. I only eat chicken in fake forms like chicken wings and nuggets. Chicken that has been just baked with no coating is especially gross to me. Now give me a mdium rare steak and then we will talk!
5. I want to live in Maine. It is ideal weather, I love the sea, and lobster is on my "if I could eat it everyday foods". I peruse travel catalogs and imagine myself buying a house and a boat there that is all weather worn with a beautiful garden.
6. I would much rather talk to someone in person or over the phone than email. I can never tell a person's tone from an email and love the back and forth that goes with conversation.
Now that your fears that you are friends with a freak are confirmed here are the rules for the meme:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write 6 random things about yourself.
4. Tag more or less 6 people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know he or she has been tagged.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
here are the folks i'm tagging:
J.Leigh Designs
Bloggin It Up
How About Orange
Monday, September 29, 2008
To celebrate my great month on Etsy I am going to give away your choice of either 250 Mommy/Family cards or 20 invitations/baby announcements. Both items are pro-printed, full color, and the invites will come with matching envelopes. The invitations can be for a baby shower, a birthday, or an upcoming holiday celebration, whatever you need them for.
Just leave a comment with what item you would like and how winning it would make you happy! I will do the drawing this Friday and will announce the winner on Saturday morning.
(Only one comment per person please, make sure you leave contact information. If the winner does not respond in 2 days a new winner will be chosen. )
Friday, September 26, 2008
Happy Birthday AJ

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
New Listing on Etsy

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Surf's Up Sunday- AJ's Picks

And finally I have to share the awesome scrapbook that was made for AJ by a very talented Etsy artist: J. Leigh Designz!!! I can't wait to add pics to it tonight... very beautiful work!!
Friday, September 19, 2008
100 Posts!

not greedy for what's inside them." - Jack Gilbert

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
New Projects Abound!

3. Learning how to sew- This is a dream project meaning that I have every intention of learning but each time I think of how easier it is to use stitch-witchery or fabric glue and put the machine back. I have downloaded cute patterns for bags and pillows... even picked out fabric. Curtains are about all I can manage right now though. I would love to make an apron one day.... anyone want to trade skills? =)

Friday, September 12, 2008
Craft of the week- Button Bracelet
elastic cord
How To:
Cut some cord to wrap two times around the wrist. Thread the cord through the button holes, keeping the buttons overlapping. For four hole buttons, criss-cross the cord. It is easier if you flip the bracelet over every other button. The nice thing is that the buttons don't slide off so it is easy to keep them in place. Once you are done then you can either tie it off a couple times, or you can use a crimp bead to secure the cord. Easy as that!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Is it just me? WARNING: May cause uncontrollable laughing!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
When Little Feet Move Mountains
You will move mountains baby!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
A lil bit of randomness
2. Lay the T-shirt flat on the work surface, then slip the cup inside the shirt from the bottom, standing the cup upright in the place you'd like to start decorating. Stretch the rubber band over the T-shirt and the rim of the cup, pulling the T-shirt taut.
3. Put the bottle cap in the center of the stretched fabric. Have your child use a marker to make a circle of dots around the bottle cap, keeping the dots fairly close to the cap.
4. Remove the bottle cap. Using the eyedropper, slowly squeeze 20 drops of rubbing alcohol onto the blank spot where the cap was. (Supervise closely or do this part yourself; the alcohol can sting and is dangerous if ingested.) As the fabric absorbs the alcohol, the ink will spread outward in a circular pattern like fireworks. Allow the design to dry for 5 minutes before repeating on a new area of the shirt.
5. Experiment with different shapes — a dotted star, a heart, or concentric rings of dots. To make flowers, when the designs are dry, slip some paper towels inside the shirt and draw stems with markers.
6. When the shirt is done and completely dry, pop it in the dryer for 20 minutes to set the colors, then wash and dry as usual.
Speaking of being in the kitchen, we repainted ours a wonderful pumpkiny orange color. We hadn't planned on repainting, but a little DIY oops demanded a do-over. I love the color though, changed the whole feel to the kitchen!
And finally, a pic of the soon to be one year old... isn't she so big? She is a total camera ham =)
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Surf's Up Saturday- The Return of the Bento Box

Wendolonia is another blog that is very bento- centered. This woman amazes me! She just had a baby (JUST) and is still making bentos for her little boy and posting fabulous pictures. I love how simple her bentos are and kid friendly. Gabby's lunches are very similar to her little boy's.
Another great store is called Bento Crazy. They have a good amount of bento kits and supplies. I really like red two tier box!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Preschool Worksheets

Etsy Seller of the Day

Monday, September 1, 2008
Success is sweet!
If you haven't, check it out, the link is on the side. In the meantime, here are some designs that I have done in the past few days: