October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and everywhere you look you see pink ribbons. I have not only lost my grandmother to breast cancer but already have had a lumpectomy that was pre-cancerous. Luckily my sorority,
Zeta Tau Alpha, is a huge contributor to the
Susan G. Koman foundation and I had been doing my self checks and caught the lump in time. There are so many ways that you can help fight breast cancer and aid the effort to find a cure from donating money to women who need mammograms to just buying products that donate. Here are my finds of the week while surfing, just click on the pick!!
This is one of my favorite finds! I love the fact that there is a calendar that you check off when you do your exam and how to do it properly!
And don't forget to go to
www.thebreastcancersite.com and click every day to help low income women get mammograms. No registration, just know that you are helping the cause!!!
Thanks so much for featuring my scrub!! It's exciting to see the donations growing as the October progresses!!
An added bonus is the Double Love Scrub generates a 10% donation to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation all year round!!
thanks!! and be well my dear:)
I see it, did you get those orders in chat?
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