Our days are a kaleidoscope.
Every instant a change takes place in the contents.
New harmonies, new contrasts, new combinations of every sort.
~Henry Ward Beecher
These summer days are flying by us. Filled with laughing, bike rides, bubbles, hot dogs, splashing, sand, and so much more. The sun has been out in full force and while we are out in the early and late hours, I am praising the invention of air conditioning.
Yesterday I made the best bubbles ever. Who knew that corn syrup was the secret ingredient? I also tried my hand at making homemade mac n' cheese and let me tell you, I am never buying boxed Kraft mac n' cheese again! You can get the recipe here! (It is a little bland unless you decide to add some spices and some spicier cheeses, but I adored it as is!)
Thanks to Pinterest I am getting back into sewing, decorating, and fashion- especially hair and nail designs. I did this trick again and it worked like magic! I have these long glorious curls and feel so sassy today. =)
Cool huh?! Well, that's about it... what have you been up to today?
(Psssst! Check out my Pinterest for awesome recipes, neat nail ideas, and tons of other funness!)