9:00am- taught a Mommy & Me baby dance class
10:00- went to Borders to check out the sale since they are going out of business
11:00- went to Nicky Nicole, Aeropostal, the Apple Store, and oogled Anthropologie from a distance since I am banned for the time being because I would never leave!
12:00pm- ate at Chipotle with the family and a friend- yummo
12:30- headed to Trader Joes for some Mandarin Orange Chicken- did I mention I need a 12 step program for this stuff?!
1-3pm- hung out at home, watched the kids ride bikes, tended to my computer additions such as Pinterest and Etsy.
3pm we decided to head over to the Lakewood Street Walk. It is this wonderful community extravaganza where the main street is shut down, all the businesses and community organizations come out and have healthy related booths, and everyone walks around having a good time. This is one of the many reasons why I LOOOOOOVE living in Lakewood, OH. COMMUNITY!
Yes, it was hot and steamy out and yes, we had already had a pretty long day. But I love joining everyone in the city at events like this. Here is the list of everything the kids and us go tot do (and we spent a total of $4.50!)
*Tye Dyed shirts for free
*Watched belly dancers, break dancers, fencing demos, skateboarders, jazzercisers, and square dancers
* Decorated Cookies
* Got to win beach balls for answering health questions
* Ran through a field of sprinkers
* Did an obstacle course
* Got their name written in Chinese and spoke Mandarin to the exchange students
* Got snow cones, frisbees, suckers, pencils, bracelets, and balloons among lots of other things
* Watched Army dudes climb a rock wall that was HUGE!
* Played Four Square, cornhole, and other games
... and that is just the stuff I remember!!! Neat huh?! There was even more things to do and see but I was getting hot and sweaty... when we all got home we showered off and lounged in the air conditioning. Anyways, here are some of the photos from today!