I am mommy to three lovely little girls- Gabby, AJ, and Moira. They are the joy of my life and you will see many posts about the three of them. Klint is my hubby of 7 years and keeps me sane through all this madness!
I have a B.A. in Dance, which I got because finals are way more fun when you don't actually have to take tests, lol! No really, I have a dance degree because I have an overabundance of creative energy. Anyone who knows me in real life will tell you that I am always doing something, making something, helping someone... it's just what I'm meant to do!
Along with dancing I have been a preschool teacher, a CSR for an insurance company, a college security guard, a buffet wench, and a child wrangler (aka childcare provider).
I hope that you find some neat ideas here, learn something new once in awhile, and maybe even chuckle a bit at the antics of my life. Enjoy, come back soon, and leave comments!!